In the realm of agricultural machinery and material handling, optimizing equipment design is critical for boosting efficiency and cutting costs. One such innovative device is the Bundle Puller with an adjustable length sliding frame, designed to transport crops or items through narrow or spacious passageways. The following details its core features and advantages:

Design Characteristics

  • Adjustable Length Sliding Frame: This design incorporates a rotatable articulated segment that can shift between lowered and elevated positions. Raising the articulated part significantly reduces the length of the sliding frame, enabling the machine to operate in tight spaces. For broader passages, lowering the articulated part increases the working length.

  • Hydraulic Drive: The elevation and descent of the articulated section are controlled by hydraulic cylinders, adjusting the working length of the sliding frame to fit various operational environments.

Drive System

  • Rack and Pinion Drive System: Instead of common screw drives, a rack and pinion system is used to move the slide carriage back and forth along the sliding frame. This design facilitates more efficient and smoother removal or replacement of heat exchanger tube bundles.

Application Scope

  • Agriculture and Industry: Although initially designed for agricultural uses like bundling and transporting crops, its adjustability and adaptability also show great potential in industrial settings for item handling.

Patents and Innovation

  • Patent Application: Developed by RR Cradeur, JM Dewees, and JE Edward, the technology was patented in the United States in 2004 with the patent number US6746201 B1.

Research and Development

  • Continuous Improvement: As technology advances and operational needs diversify, ongoing research on the Bundle Puller aims to enhance its performance and applicability.

Considering the challenges faced by agricultural machinery and material handling equipment—such as operational efficiency, equipment adaptability, and ease of use—the Bundle Puller’s design offers a viable solution. Its unique adjustability excels in various operating environments, while the use of hydraulics and the rack and pinion system ensures smooth and precise operation.

In conclusion, the Bundle Puller's application extends beyond agriculture to industrial applications requiring similar functionalities. For instance, its adjusting mechanism plays a crucial role in heavy lifting in confined spaces or sorting and transporting items in diversely sized environments.

Bundle Puller with Adjustable Length Sliding Frame - An Innovative Extracting Solution with a Flexible Design
